Using a control group means that any change in the dependent variable can be attributed to the independent variable.
Only three Caribbean countries have oil and natural gas reserves: Barbados, Cuba, and Trinidad and Tobago. Of these, Trinidad and Tobago is the only significant exporter. *Source: Oil and Gas Journal, December 23, 2002. Trinidad and Tobago is the Caribbean's largest producer of oil and gas.
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The order of these periods is the Cretaceous period, Jurassic period, Triassic period, Devonian period, and Cambrian period.
The phrase "Cuddly Old Sheep Dogs Make Perfect Pets; They Just Crowd People Nearby Quietly" is one technique used to organize geological periods. In this phrase, the first letter of each word represents a period.
For example:
- Old starts with "o" and represents the Ordovician period
- Quietly starts with "q" and represents the Quaternary period
- Make starts with "m" and represents the Mississippian period
In this context, the order of the given periods from the most recent to the oldest one is:
- The Cretaceous period "crowd"
- The Jurassic period "just"
- The Triassic period "they"
- The Devonian period "dogs"
- The Cambrian period "cuddly"
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