Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is secrete by the embryo early in pregnancy to keep the corpus luteum for dying. This positive feedback will maintain the corpus luteum, which secretes Progesterone and Estrogens throughout pregnancy, in order to keep the endometrium well to nourish the embryo/fetus.
it should be the pathgoens if you really think about it just look it up
Answer: A. mechanisms for which activity is primarily triggered and shaped by the incoming stimulus information.
Bottom-up mechanism is a process in which a body perceives an incoming stimulus and certain physiological changes occurs in the body working in the direction of upwards that is the signals are transferred to the brain so that the brain could interpret the stimulus. This mechanism suggests the fact that our perceptual experience is based upon the sensory stimuli.
Answer:A. club
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms .they are feed on dead, decaying matter because they lack chloroplast. Most fungi are parasitic or symbiotic.
Fungi lacks root, stem and leaves. They however posses threadlike filaments called hyphae, which forms a larger mass called mycellium. Fungi reproduce asexually by spores. The classification of fungi are;
#zygomycetes, also called conjugation fungi .eg bread mold
#ascomycetes, also called sac fungi eg baker's yeast
#deuteromycota, also called imperfect fungi eg penicillium
#basidiomycetes .they are the commonly known mushrooms. They grow on wood and trees. Most of their species are edible. They are also called club fungi
The North American fur trade was an industry and activity related to the acquisition, trade, exchange, and sale of animal furs in North America. Aboriginal peoples in Canada and Native Americans in the United States of various regions traded among themselves in the pre–Columbian Era. Europeans participated in the trade from the time of their arrival in the New World, extending the trade's reach to Europe. The French started trading in the 16th century, the English established trading posts on Hudson Bay in present-day Canada during the 17th century, while the Dutch had trade by the same time in New Netherland. North American fur trade was at its peak of economic importance in the 19th century, and involved the development of elaborate trade networks.
The fur trade became one of the main economic ventures in North America attracting competition among the French, British, Dutch, Spanish, and Russians. Indeed, in the early history of the United States, capitalizing on this trade, and removing the British stranglehold over it, was seen as a major economic objective. Many Native American societies across the continent came to depend on the fur trade as their primary source of income. By the mid-1800s changing fashions in Europe brought about a collapse in fur prices. The American Fur Company and some other companies failed. Many Native communities were plunged into long-term poverty and consequently lost much of the political influence they once had.