i googled it also i teach history meopotamia is eth tigris and euphrates
look up mr nivky ancient mesopotamia song
The event which is being described is Kristallnacht. It was a pogrom of Nazi party against German Jews.
Kristallnacht can be roughly translated to the night of broken glass refers to a pogrom carried against Jews by paramilitaries and civilians loyal to Hitler’s Nazi party. The streets were filled with broken glass sherds from Jews synagogues, buildings and stores. Hence the name.
Along with the destruction of the Jewish properties around 20 thousand Jewish men ended by being in the concentration camp. The above-mentioned act was reprisal to the killing of a Nazi diplomat by a Jew (Polish) in Paris. This brutal event was a prelude to the final solution and consequential murder of around 6 million Jews people during the infamous holocaust.
Democracy, The United States, under its Constitution, is a federal, represent- ative, democratic republic, an indivisible union of 50 sovereign States.
Control that should be it
Dont know for number 3 but number 2 is collect taxes