Open the site in your browser. (If any pop-up windows appear, think about what they indicate about the web site before you close
them.) Skim the article. Think about whether you trust the information presented or whether you have doubts about some of it. On a scale of 0 to 6, where 6 is the most trustworthy, how would you rate this site? (Note that all responses will be marked as "correct" at this point.)
On a scale of 0 to 6, where 6 is the most trustworthy, how would you rate this site? (Note that all responses will be marked as "correct" at this point.)
a) 0-1 (not trustworthy at all)
b) 2-4 (somewhat trustworthy; want to check some things)
c) 5-6 (very trustworthy)
b. 2-4 (somewhat trustworthy; want to check some things)
For to have think of opening the site in my browser, its means i somehow trust the messages on the site. though i may not have full confidence on the site because have not been visiting it frequent.
the point still remains, the source of information to the link to the site might has well be trusted, therefore i will assume the site is somewhat trustworthy; want to check some things.
The middle layer of meninges is arachnoid, which resembles a cobweb in appearance, is a thin layer with numerous threadlike strands that attach it to the innermost layer. The space under the arachnoid, the subarachnoid space, is filled with cerebrospinal fluid and contains blood vessels