Group I. If the root is a full word, the ending is usually -able.
Group II. When the root is a full word except for a final e, the forms usually are spelled with -able and drop the finale.
Group III. The suffix -able always follows the letter i. Thus, if you follow our English custom of changing y to i in these words, you will add -able.
Group IV. When the root has other forms built on the letter a, the -able form is used.
Group V. When the root ends in hard c orhard g, -able is used. The suffix -able is the only possible ending after hard c or g, in order to keep the proper pronunciation.
Group VI. When the root is not a full word, -ible is used.
Group VII. When the word has an immediate -tion form, -ible is used.
Group VIII. When the root ends in ns, miss, or soft c or g, -ible is used.
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Alice Walker described purple as a representation of something that's rare but is there. Bill Moyers wanted to know what rare thing she sees at the moment and she eventually gave the kindness of Bill Moyers as an answer.