Julie est plus grande que Marie.
"Julie is taller than Marie"
7- <em>Il fait semblant de dormir.</em>
<em> </em>He is pretending to sleep.
8- <em>Fais attention à ne pas te faire mal !</em>
<em> </em>Be careful not to hurt yourself !
9- Les enfants n'avaient rien à faire et ont fait des bêtises.
The children had nothing to do and got into trouble.
*math question in the french subject* um…..oui?
First of all: I cannot see the entire problem.
Second: This is posted in the wrong category. You have posted it in the French category, while clearly you have a Mathematical problem to deal with.
I would suggest changing the category so that people like me would be able to help you. I wish you all the best!