There have been multiple uprisings of Palestinians in protest of Israeli occupation and domination. However, the major Palestinian uprisings have been called "Intifada's" which is an Arabic word that means shaking off. The first occurred in the early 90s and the second occurred in the early 2000s.
After the Industrial Revolution, increasing numbers of people moved to cities. Men, women, and children began to work in factories, putting in long hours in difficult and dangerous conditions.
Globalization: The process of conducting business on a global scale.
Pandemic: A worldwide spread of a deadly disease.
Rural: The area outside cities.
Sedentary: The process of setting (Sitting?) down in one location.
Urban: The area that makes up a city.
1, yes if we dident invade the bay of pigs cuba would still have medium range missiles capable of fairing on florida
2, also yes he cut a key transportation line for cuba
One of the greatest mergers of all time,United airlines merged with Continental to create a monopoly at Houston international airport.