Once being a slave himself, Frederick Douglass, believed that slavery was morally incorrect, and should be prohibited. Sadly, Captain Canot, being a slave trader, was not against it. He made good money off it, so he saw it as normal, and acceptable. As Frederick had experienced slavery and suffered through the cruelty of it, it gave him a strong reason for being an abolitionist. He saw the actions of slave owners, black women and children would be worked harsh hours, and if showed sign of defiance, they would be whipped, neaten and occasionally killed. Slave owners saw their slaves as expendables, a tool that can just be thrown away. Thinking, since they were wealthy, they could just buy another to replace the old slaves. Fredrick also based his views on his previous education, He understood that inequality and slavery were despicable, especially as an African American. On the other hand, Canot was raised in a wealthy white family, and his family most likely had slaves, so he saw slavery not to be an issue. Captain Canot got his Captain title by joining the military, and working his way up the ranks. With his title of Captain, he was awarded slaves. As to being privileged, Canot never experienced what being a slave was like. The cruelty, not being given freedom, being overworked, treated like you weren't a person, but rather a tool, whereas, Fredrick had experienced these conditions. Both these historical figures, thought in opposition, but for the same reasons, played a giant role in history.
My version is only an idea, your idea is amazing, I am only showing you an option to higher writing :)
(I tried not to copy anything from yours, the formatting is unavailable to be seen in this extension, but make sure to format your essay properly! Your essay is written very thoroughly, though there were a few mishaps, other than that, exceptional job!)