Answer: The answer to your question is that he returned so that he can serve the people of France.
According to that passage, Napoleon surprised France and Europe by escaping from Elba and returning to a France where dissatisfaction with King Louis XVIII was growing. Actually, he really wanted to regain more power. Nevertheless, the European powers that had ousted him didn´t accept his political return and mobilized their armies to overthrow him again. He marched with his army to Belgium, where he suffered his final defeat at Waterloo on June 18, 1815
Both regions were influenced by international ethnic movements
In both regions, there were influences of multinational movements. The seek of affirming its cultural identity.
In the Balkans, there were still reflections of the Pan Slavism, a movement from the mid-XIX century which found fertile soil in Serbia. The Pan Slavism used to claim an international union of Slavic people under the leadership of Russia.
In the Middle East, there was some influence of pan Arabism on politics that Palestinian organizations and partisans, being united under the leadership of Egypt, and all other Arab-Islamic nations.
Even though both movements failed, they influenced politicians, people, partisans from both regions in conflict.
Communism, as a political movement, was spread across Europe by the workers movement during the 19th and early 20th centuries in different revolutionary waves until the one following WWI that sparked the Russian Revolution of 1917 as well as attempted revolutions in Hungary, Germany and other countries in the following years.
Communist regimes aligned with the Soviet Union that lasted until the early 90’s, spread throughout Europe after WWII, when the victorious allies divided Europe between the west (France, UK, Iceland, West Germany) - under mainly American influence - and east (Poland, Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, East Germany.) - under Soviet influence. People on the Eastern side of Europe lived in a communist society, while the people on the western side were well taken care of by the US.
The Soviets then proceeded to put the local communist parties in charge of each country, under the tutelage of Moscow. And that’s how the “Eastern Bloc” began.
Taxes // the colonies didn’t approve of this, later calling it “taxation without representation”