The host-based firewall settings are blocking the service
Host-based firewall settings can be configured on each workstation. The firewall can be provided by the operating system itself, or it can be a standalone software package that provides security features and functionality for the device's network connection. If this firewall contains incorrect settings, legitimate services can be blocked, and if so, a message will usually notify the user of such a breach. In these cases, the firewall settings need to be adjusted to make the desired service work.
scope of pet name is limited to pet class and color is accessible to the whole program
1 35
* There is a little typo in printf. It should be "\n".
Initially, the value of the first is 1, and the value of the second is 2. Then, do_something(&second, first) is called. The value of the <em>first</em> will still be 1. However, there is a call by reference for <em>second </em>variable. That means the change made by the function <em>do_something</em> will affect the value of the <em>second</em> variable.
When you look at the calculation inside the <em>do_something</em> function, you may see that value of the <em>second</em> will be 35.
Crime rate
suspension of terrorism
The answer most likely B NOT SURE )