My experience with this is the fact I had hair on my legs one day in gym. (I'm 16) i hadn't shaved in 4-5 days and I was made fun of. I simply said to the boys who were pointing it out that they had hair on their legs and on their armpits and that because I was a girl, it didn't mean I didn't grow hair or that it was gross that I had a little bit on my legs. It's natural and they didn't seem to get that ♀️
While i was outside at my house working on my schoolwork on the laptop my school sent me, some random kids about my age from the nearby public school were on their way home and stopped infront of my house. "Girls are so stupid! How did you even manage to know how to use a laptop?" or something along the lines of that. I quickly picked up a small gardening shovel on the table next to me seeing as my mom was gardening the other day and stood up walking over to them as a warning. After they went back to running home i quickly shoved off the incident and pretend it never happened.
She was an imagist and wanted everything to be described in vivid sensory detail. She believes that although the gardens are imaginary in poetry, the toads should be described and depicted so thoroughly that they almost seem real and tangible and are vivid.