The Bill of Rights was intended to restrict the power of the federal government.
3) Point 5 helps promotes peace by tell people that no one person will have all the power not even the government. Everyone will have equal rights and freedom. If you establish a colony all citizens will have equal rights, there will be no one ruler.
4)Points 6-13 helps promote peace by explaining that all these territories will be secure and free and have access to resources .
5) Point 14 promotes peace by allowing the territories secure access to the sea a-s well a-s their independence guaranteed .
This speech was given by President Kennedy in 1962 in order to address the worrying situation of Soviet arms buildup in Cuba.
In this speech, President Kennedy suggests a series of actions in order to deal with the situation of arms buildup in Cuba. Some of the actions he suggests include:
- A strict quarantine on all offensive military equipment under shipment to Cuba (besides those necessary for fulfilling the basic needs of people).
- Continued and increased close surveillance of Cuba.
- As a policy, all nuclear missiles launched from Cuba against any nation in the West would be considered an attack of the Soviet Union upon the United States.
- The reinforcement of Guantanamo.
- A meeting of the Organ of Consultation under the Organization of American States.
- An emergency meeting of the Security Council.
- A call to the Soviet Union to halt hostilities.
It would be "d. eight-hour days" that was not a problem faced by workers in nineteenth century mills or mines, since legislation advocating for strict working hours did not come about until the Progressive Era.