The client
On a client/server network, THE CLIENT computer initiates the process of assigning an IP address through DHCP. This is because "The Client" computer will serve as the Domain controller in which other computers of the network can find. Hence, The Client computer initiates the process of assigning IP addresses through DHCP to achieve this.
Though, in some case. A user can manually assign the IP address to computer if it is not through DHCP
There is not enough information to give correct answer. Anyway, I guess, I've seen this question before and I know the answer. I wrote it in binary. So if your task's details look like this: tag bits 31-10
2; index bits 9-4; offset bits 3:0; your answer is:
<000000, 0001, mem[1024]>
<000001, 0011, mem[3088]>
<001011, 0000, mem[176]>
<001000, 0010, mem[2176]>
<001110, 0000, mem[224]>
<001010, 0000, mem[160]>
void main()
char ch;
printf("Enter any letter");
Cited work list is usually appears <u>at the end</u> of the document.
In formal documents, the work from other authors and document has been used to validate our work. we explain their work in our document and with the support of that t work we tries to validate the work that we are doing. This work is written in our document that is called cited work or reference. Each of the cited work is written in different paragraphs and assigned a number at the end of citation in ascending order.
At the end of the document, we quote the document reference where it has been published online in same order as in document. This list of cited works is appears at the end of the document called references and Bibliography.
Answer: Review
Because you want to review the comments