I think that you might have used it a lot or its just a glitch and will come back after some time.
It might be that your screen cracked.
But try re-booting if that does not work, wait and take off the battery.
A single file can be used to record/ store all the information regarding a transaction because in a transaction there are less complexities. a simple transaction involves an exchange/communication between a buyer and a seller which involves exchange in finances between the buyer and the seller.
An employee can be involved in several activities like work activities and multiple transactions while a single inventory part record is different from an employee's record and any other form of transaction. hence separate files have to be created for each of these activities.
To have an easy access to this information when needed a master file is created to store all the individual files.
Option A is the correct answer for the above question.
- The computer is a system that processes the data to produce information. For any computer system when the data is processed then it will form the information.
- The user gives some instruction to process that can also be called the program. Then the computer takes the instruction and processes the data on behalf of the instruction and for the information because in any system when data is processed it can form the information.
- The above question says that the computer follows the instruction to process the data to produce the information which is correct as described above. Hence True is the correct answer to the above question.
steve is happy today but he wasn't yesterday
An error will be occurred here. In C++ a function must be like
returntype function_name(){
but the functions in given class does not have returntype given. So there will be a syntax error.
If the returntype is defined then the code does not show any output since nothing is printed in the main function.