Answer: privation
They implemented new taxes and improved tax collection that helped raise revenues. They also restricted the growth of their money supply and made changes in the tax system to encourage investors. Other reforms that were introduced were the privatization of businesses giving people more opportunities to engage in business activities
The sharp inflation following the fall of the Soviet Union was thwarted in Russia through smart reforms which enabled the newly formed russian state to quickly change their economic model to one that is more profitable and isn't subject to such high inflation.
सामाजिक स्थिति र भूमिका बीचको सम्बन्ध
Yes I believe the death penalty should be an punishment for murder and expsecially for terrorism
because they took a life which means they should have the same treatment.
The main purpose should be rehabilitation depending on the crime.
<span>The migration of university students trained in western-style professions who are enticed by high wages and opportunities is often referred to as: Brain-Drain
For example, many young potential hopeful university graduates from United States are migrating to South East Asian countries because of high wages promise and the opportunities to directly obtain high position within the corporation.</span>
roman system was very strict in some ways like woman and men rights but united did the same for some time too but united states doesn't anymore so its better in that sense