Jean Piaget developed the term accommodation. Accommodation is a process by which the new information is added or is modified in the mind of the individual. The set of knowledge or information stored in the mind gets modified when new information is added to it. The new information is fitted in the existing knowledge. In the above case, Hazel is incorporating the new information in her pre-existing knowledge.
If they lose their job, there’s no backup plan
The problem with the way Great Britain and France drew borders in the Middle East was that the borders were drawn to serve the interests of the British and the French and not the local conditions.
- The British Council had given the authority of drawing borders in the Middle East to one of their efficient administrative leaders named Mark Sykes.
- The French had given the same to George Picot who was himself a renowned statesman.
- These two authorized persons marked the boundaries of the Middle East without taking into consideration any opinions of the locals.