French to English: summary of a paper written by a French author
i'm not sure what this question is asking since I don't know if it's English to french or answering the question in french.
A. il arrive -> 3.he arrives
B ils arrivent -> 9.they (m) arrive
C qui arrive? -><span> 6. who arrives?
D. nous arrivons -> 7.we arrive
E. elles arrivent -> 10.they (f) arrive
F. j'arrive -> 1.I arrive
G. elle arrive -> 4. she arrives
H. vous arrivez -> 8. you (pl) arrive
I. on arrive -> <span>5. one arrives</span>
J. tu arrives -> 2. you arrive
I passed the exam = <span>J'ai passé l'examen.
Hope this helps!!
Aye sir!!</span>
1. Yves devra aller voir sa grand-mère.
2. Rachid enverra un colis à son amie.
3. Tu seras en Floride.
4. Nous ferons une randonnée.
6. Vous irez au cinéma.
<span>True or false: The endings of any verb in the future simple are always the same.
It's true for most but not all, for example, </span>être, avoir, <span>aller</span><span> etc.have irregular future stems. There are only a handful of such verbs. Thus, I'm not sure how True - False applies. </span>