(For reference, I'm 17 and am responding as such)
Cleaning, studying, sporting activites.
While there are people who do these things, they prove to be on the whole uncommon activities. If these things are being done it is likely they don't consider the time they do these things with 'free time'.
We prefer to relax, be unbothered, and see what's going on on Y0uTube or social media, or just watch TV.
A, I was challenged by the customer service....
the answer is D.Dante wants to show that if you have been a sinner there will be no mercy in the after life.Minos is the Greek judge osf souls in Hades.Hades in Greek mithology is the Inferno Dante depicts in his work.Minos appears in Homer´s work but Dante makes him a very important character ,and also more famous, in his Divine Comedy.
( plus this is a weird question )