Center Processing Unit ....
Based on the scenario being described within the question it can be said that this was a recall measure of memory. In the field of neuroscience, a recall test refers to a type of test in which subjects are shows a certain stimuli and are later asked to remember as many stimuli as they can. Which in the case of the Godden and Baddeley (1975) study the stimuli were a set of words that were shown to the subjects.
Einstein analytics plus user
Einstein data insights is a platform that can be used by a company to analyse Salesforce report. With a subscription to this platform, an administrator can grant limited access to users in the company and monitor the logs and reports.
To grant a user access to Einstein data insights, go to setup and find permission set on the quick find box, on the "permission set", click on "einstein analytics plus user", then click on "manage assignment | add assignment". Add the users you want and then click on "assign".
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a medium of exchange that uses strong cryptography to secure financial transactions, control the creation of additional units, and verify the transfer of assets.
office online
office online is a free online version of Microsoft office suite. it includes Microsoft word, Microsoft excel, Microsoft power point, one note. It allows users to create and edit files online.