Circumstances such as sudden poverty, physical abuse (struck at least 3 times by their husband), overall neglect (husband is lazy), dishonor brought upon the woman's family, or if their husband settled in a new country and neglected to go to bed with them for 3 years. (source:
(other source:
These were some of the answers based on information online, but your teacher may be expecting other ones. In general, neglect or maltreatment/abuse would be grounds for a divorce.
Because it involves various stages and personnel and often does not get a bill passed.
The United States legislature was purposely designed to be slower in taking action. This is because the founding fathers wanted to prevent the infringement of citizens' rights and freedoms.
Thereby, the legislature involves various personnel and stages before bills and laws are passed. Also the legislature is bicameral in nature as it requires the passing of House and Senate through debates and votings.
Answer: . The Seneca falls convention was pretty important in highlighting women’s rights issue in 1848. next There was mainly none because of the civil war but the founding of the NWSA(1869) followed the convention. That same year the senate formed a committee for women’s suffrage. In 1890 the AWSA(African women’s suffrage association) and the NWSA (National women’s suffrage association) combined to make the National American Women’s Suffrage Association (NAWSA) In sept if 1918 Wilson announces he supports women’s ability to vote. Finally in 1919 the 19th Amendment allowing women To vote. It was ratified in august that year.