In "The Masque of the Red Death" by Edgar Allen Poe, Prince Prospero orders the gates of the abbey to be welded shut in order to protect himself and his inhabitants from the epidemic known as the "Red Death
Alexander the Great, as you'll recall, conquered the immense Persian Empire at the age of twenty-five.
Something that is subjective is based on someone's personal opinions and feelings. It is not based on fact or something that can be backed up by facts.
A) not subjective because the new law is scheduled to go into effect at specific time
B) not subjective because the increase in number of dog bites can be backed by the statistics of the number of bites
C) subjective because it is an opinion that dog owners should be able to do what they want
D) not subjective because if any dog is found not fenced or on a leash, it will be taken to the pound
ANSWER: C) is the subjective choice
Hope this helps! :)
Answer by YourHope:
Hi! :)
Is motivation an emotional appeal?
The answer is YES!!
Have a BEAUTIFUL day~