Because it is, i toon the same thing
The firefighters would pass buckets to each other to extinguish the blaze. ... On October 9, 1871 the infamous "Chicago Fire" killed 300 people, but there was an even more tragic fire that same day that killed 1200 ... What is the Star of Life?
He is an American Blogger and best known for YouTube personality
A. Last week Mark started <u>coming home late</u>, <u>missing classes</u>, and <u>arguing with his parents</u>
A parallel structure is used when the same pattern is repeated and the same pattern has the same function. For example, in the statement above, the verb <em>to start</em> is used with some complements. The complements , which refer to different activities, are expressed through participles ( _ing): <em>starting...; missing </em>...and <em>arguing.</em>.... These are all participles and function as the complement of <em>to start.</em>