If your choices are the following:
<span>A. Jack killed the giant because he sold the cow for magic beans.
B. Sleeping Beauty was warned to stay away from needles but did not listen.
C. Hansel and Gretel went out into the woods and ended up getting lost.
D. Cinderella lost her glass slipper on the stairs precisely at midnight.
Among the fairy tales, the story that suggest an indirect cause is Jack who killed the giant because he sold the cow for magic beans.
The magic bean that was traded with his cow grew into a large and gigantic beanstalk that is why he killed this.
In his poem "For a Lady I Know," Countee Cullen depicts the clash between the upper and lower classes of society. The poem is assumed to be about upper-class white Americans who treat African Americans poorly. He points out the audacity of the upper class to presume that African Americans would continue to wait on them forever, even after death:
She even thinks that up in heaven
Her class lies late and snores
While poor black cherubs rise at seven
To do celestial chores.
This poem suggests that white Americans don’t want to help improve the lifestyle of poor African Americans but are comfortable with the minority races serving them forever.
From Plato :)
Are you gonna show us the sentences?