1. Nibbles crept <u>quietly</u> across the carpet towards the open door and <u>promptly</u> sneaked through while no one was looking.
2. <u>Easily</u>, Sue edged over the ice as she talked <u>gently</u> to her dog clinging to a tree.
3. Eliot's car skidded <u>quickly</u> across the road as it went out of control and the others watched <u>silently</u>.
4. Yesterday, they <u>noisily</u> ate their dinner so they could get to the concert <u>immediately</u>.
5. The birds flew<u /> <u>slowly</u> <u /><u />towards the cliff top and sat <u>comfortably</u> on a ledge.
I believe the answer is his return home ^^
"Economic" is indeed the word which gives the best indication of what <em>fiscal </em>means.
<em>Fiscal </em>is an adjective which describes anything having to do with taxes and the government's income or debt. This means that it is directly linked to how much money the state has, needs, or how it uses it. This is closely linked to the economy because if the government is unstable with income tax for example, it influences how much money people and businesses have left for themselves after they have paid their taxes, and impacts their capacity to purchase and invest.
information about yourself