it makes it difficult to pump the oil through the oil rigs.
Step 1
The House of Representatives holds a few hearings, then they vote to impeach the President. If the House of Representatives votes in favor, by a majority, the House sends Articles of Impeachment to the Senate.
Step 2
The Senate starts a trial of the President to decide if the President is guilty of the crimes charge in the Articles of Impeachment. If 2/3 of the Senate votes to accept any Article of Impeachment, the President is automatically removed from office and the vice president takes his place as the new president.
*So far, no president has been impeached.
lack of monetary service can lead to increase in robbery
it can to high rate of insecurity
it can lead to disunity in the community
N 1501, shortly after Christopher Columbus discovered America, Spain and Portugal began shipping African slaves to South America to work on their plantations. In the 1600s, English colonists in Virginia began buying Africans to help grow tobacco.
illness anxiety disorder also knnown as hypochondriasis or hypochondria