A process by which a person becomes protected against a disease through vaccination.
Example:include tetanus, diphtheria, mumps, measles, pertussis (whooping cough), meningitis, and polio
An epic hero is a man whose fortune is brought about by his own characteristics. These characteristics are usually strength, loyalty, courage, and intelligence.
Odysseus is a clear example of an epic hero because he demonstrates courage and intelligence. For example, in the Cyclops' cave, all his men were afraid and panicked, but not him. He kept calm and confronted the Cyclops. Then, when it asked for his name, he said it was "Nobody", so when he stabbed the Cyclops eye, which is another display of immense courage, he could not say who did it.
It is important to use proper grammar and punctuation while texting, especially in formal or professional situations. If sentences are not correctly punctuated, the receiver may not completely understand what is being said or might mis-interpret the information.
"All men are created / born equal" is probably the best quote because it implies equality and all men are seen as the same in the eyes of God. This "condemns" slavery because it suggests there is no superiority/inferiority to others.