Difference is given as under
- Mountain belts or mountain ranges are a line of hills connected by high ground. Usually an orogeny most of them are a result of plate tectonic effects and maybe young may be old depending upon their characteristic composition. Like the Himalayas is a young fold mountain formed in the tertiary system of rocks.
- Usually, the mountain is separated from highlands, valleys, and passes. Usually, they tend to regulate the climate affecting snow and rainfall patterns. As compared to the stable interiors upon concerning their age are mostly young as they are continuously on the move and their formation is impacted by erosion and continuous wear and tear of geomaterials.
- Concerning the height, the continents are lower as compared to the high elevated landmasses. Though the continents have large landmass and landscape is composed of various elements as mountain belts are smaller as composed to chains connecting the continents at the edges and borders.
- Only continental mountain belts like the arctic and antarctic circle have a large scale of mountain chains and ranges on earth that are since millions and billions of years ago the formation of super landmasses.
A lifeboat is a boat, specially made to move from land to sea to help people who are in difficulty. Garrett James Hardin, an American environmentalist uses this description of lifeboat to warn of the dangers of human overpopulation which does not only affect the populated nations but everyone. The rich people (mostly the Americans) are the ones in the lifeboats, and the poor ones are in the waters swimming and trying to board any of the lifeboats. The nations who are like lifeboats have a specific-carrying capacity (or limited amount) that should not be exceeded.
If there are fifty people in the lifeboats with ten free spaces that could be given to hundred poor people waiting to be saved, further explanations were offered by Hardin on what to be done. Allowing everyone in, which would mean hundred and fifty people are in the boat at the same time could make it sink. The ten spaces could be offered on who arrives first or the best ten from the hundred poor people could be allowed to come on board. There are some people, among the lucky fifty rich people who would feel guilty according to Hardin, that the remaining ninety could die and so they are willing to give-up their spaces for the less fortunate ones. The best solution would be for no one to be allowed into the boat, preserving the lucky fifty from sinking with the boat as stated by Hardin.
Nations are not actually lifeboats and the human race have grown beyond being measured to have a limited number of persons it can contain as stated by Hardin. The possible maximum number of persons a particular area can contain should never be important to mankind where there is a terrible event affecting human beings. Also the lucky fifty in the lifeboats may think they are safe, but they could be affected by a huge wave in the sea that would make the entire lifeboat nations to drown.
<span>trucks drive on them while they are frozen...</span>