China's water supply has been contaminated by the dumping of toxic human and industrial waste. Pollution-induced algae blooms cause the surface of China's lakes to turn a bright green, but greater problems may lurk beneath the surface; groundwater in 90 percent of China's cities is contaminated.Many times in these cases, the pollution is caused by chemical dumping from nearby factories. Dumping of industrial chemicals, agricultural waste, and urban wastewater has contaminated China's water resources such that over half of all rivers in the country are unsafe for human contact.China's sweeping campaign to cleanse filthy lakes and rivers has improved water quality in some regions — but dirty water still plagues parts of the country. China began tightening environmental rules in 2001, in an effort to cut water pollution emitted by cities, industrial facilities and farms.Dam construction has played significant roles in flood control, irrigation, navigation, and energy supply; however, the enormous negative effects, such as landslides, ecological problems, and water quality decline, could surpass positive gains.
The ERA is the Equal Rights Amendment, established to guarantee equal rights for women, especially when it came to wage differences between those of the opposite sex. The amendment seemed to fly smoothly until Phyllis Schlafly mobilized conservative women in opposition toward the act. She argued that the act would "disadvantage housewives", but there seemed to be more women for the act, than there were opposing it.
To Hitler, the conquest of Poland would bring Lebensraum, or “living space,” for the German people.
He was effectively asphyxiated over a 2 day period.