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Both the Maya and the Inca had similar social stuctures;
men and women were to be considered close to equal, though, in some instinces, women were still lesser to men. Both drained swamps and carved terraces for agriculture, which they depended on heavily, like all other ancient civilizations in the Americas.
The Maya and Inca both shared a similar calender system, though, the Inca calender was a bit more complicated, and both civilizations built great stone monuments.
Plus, they practiced metallurgy, sacraficial rituals, and polytheism
The states were all trying to create their own government and all the other nations were confused as to who wanted what in trade or how anything worked
The patron gods and goddesses had very big importance in the past, though in some areas in the world they are still very respected. The city-state of Athens in the antiquity, was part of the Greek World. It had the same gods and goddesses as all other Greek city-states, but also as all of them, it had its own patron god/goddess. The patron goddess of Athens was the goddess Athena, which is easy to assume considering the name of the city. This meant that Athena was the goddess that was chosen by the Athenians as their protector, guardian, special deity, and supporter. The Athenians truly believed that Athena is the goddess that favors them, thus they respected her the most, after Zeus of course.