The migration of the Moon away from the Earth is mainly due to the action of the Earth's tides. The Moon is kept in orbit by the gravitational force that the Earth exerts on it, but the Moon also exerts a gravitational force on our planet and this causes the movement of the Earth's oceans to form a tidal bulge.
1, 2: there are no taxes on brought in gods, the money, the workforce and the goods can stream within the borders of the EU freely and in this way the whole EU is more competitive in an international level
3,4:the western part of the EU more developed due to the inherited capitalist economy and Marshall plan by the USA, while the post communist more backward because of the ex communist industrial economy and because of the fact that they had to change to capitalist
Not all the countries have euro within the EU just the more developed nations with few exceptions like Sweden and therfore the EU is not united in this front as well
So that people have to pay for their effort. As you know everyone in the community needs to earn money somehow in order to live.
Also used for copy protecting in short term to honor them as well
It's because there are bigger faults in Caliifornia.Which is San andres which is 800 miles which cuts through California.We all know earth is contesntly changing, and earthquakes are apart of earth chaging.So every times the tictonic plates moves it causes California, and other states close by to aswell, but not as bad.