{The answer is below.}
In the 1930's, many farmers lost their farms, and the banks lost their money.
The farmers had a hard time, and these problems started growing in the 1930s. After the stock market crash, many businesses had to be shut down, and a lot of workers lost their jobs. The banks lost a lot of money due to this.
FOR APEX: I am positive the answer is mail empire
Tatei ii plac romanele cu un subiect foarte profund. Inculpatul a fost acuzat in fata judecatorului. Ileana a facut a facut un proiect similar cu al meu. Tata a fost captivat de noua unealta pe care a cumparat-o.Vecina a primit o informare precum ca abonamentul la cablu va fi suspendat pe motiv de neplata. In piata era o aglomeratie de nedescris. Mamei mele i s-a adus o ofensa de catre sefa ei. Deltaplanul s-a prabusit in abis.
The person who intended to write a 12 page book long poem is C.Edmund Spencer