According plato, one judge the value of a piece of art through the ability of that art to inspire. According to him, art is a form of divine inspiration from the artist and not something that can be taught or learn
Joseph Stalin was the powerful and ruthless leader of the soviet union from 1929-1953
If you still need help so I can
Franklin D. Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945
The cause of death was a cerebral hemorrhage.
<u>He believed that he was undermining the role of the Emperor and the church</u>
Worm Edict - is the official document by which Charles V, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, declared Martin Luther a heretic and a state enemy.
The Edict of Worm was published in May 1521. The edict stemmed from the questioning of Martin Luther before the emperor and the pope's legacy, and Luther's refusal to deny his theses and claims in his other writings, pointing to some unbiblical teachings of the Catholic Church, as well as to the gospel of contrary customs and the laws promulgated by the Church.
A member of the Habsburg dynasty, as well as the emperor of Spain, Charles V (1500-1558) was one of the most powerful emperors of the so-called. The "Holy Roman Empire", known for its opposition to the Reformation and its support for a powerful Inquisition whose work was intensified by his ancestors Isabella and Ferdinand.Over the growing political and religious unrest in Germany, as well as the Emperor's preoccupation with other problems in the Empire, the Worm Edict was never implemented in work. After his announcement, Luther's influence in Germany grew steadily. He spent the rest of his life laying the foundations of Protestantism, reforming worship and church music, and translating the Bible. He died on 18 February 1546 at the age of 63. However, hundreds and thousands of Protestants across Europe are going to judge, at the loss of life and in the secrecy of the dungeons, the various political tools of Rome, precisely on the basis of this document by which Martin Luther and all his helpers and followers are outlawed as enemies of God and the people.