Answer: Inca
The Incas were one of the most civilized peoples in America. They comprised mainly the Quechua, Aymará, Yunka, etc. tribes, which, according to the Spanish, formed the Empire of the Incas, a name derived from the reigning family belonging to the Quechua tribe, the main of the empire.
The Inca culture has been totally destroyed and today only ruins of its grand monuments, temples and palaces remain.
The practice of isolationism and the ability to handle political unrest.
One of the key notable actions by the first president of the United States, George Washington, was to stay unbiased during the French revolution, setting good exam for the U.S government to practice isolationism( A policy of staying away from political affairs of other groups) in the years to come.
During the Whiskey Rebellion, involving tax collectors and farmers (they proposed to collect taxes from), a force of about 13000 troops were assembled and dispatched by Washington to crush the resistance, establishing an idea that the federal government at any time, could handle different forms of political unrest.
Habilidades comunicativas e interpersonales.
Decision-making and problem-solving. ...Toma de decisiones y resolución de problemas. ...
Autoconciencia y empatía, que son dos partes clave de la inteligencia emocional. ...
Asertividad y ecuanimidad o autocontrol.