<em>What are the allele frequencies in this population?</em>
- Frequency of S = 0.625
- Frequency of s = 0.375
<em>In the next generation of 1000 hamsters, what are the expected genotype frequencies?</em>
- Frequency (SS) = 0.39
- Frequency (Ss) = 0.47
- Frequency (ss) = 0.14
<em>What are the expected number of each genotype in the next 1000 hamsters?</em>
- Individuals SS = 390
- Individuals Ss = 469
- Individuals ss = 140
<em>Have the allele frequencies changed?</em> No, they are the same
<em>Is the population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?</em> Yes, it is.
<em>The expected genotype frequency of Ss (2pq) in the next generation is expected to be: </em>0.469 (option a)
<em>The expected number of smooth fur hamsters (SS) in the next generation of 1000 hamsters is</em>: 390
Due to technical problems, you will find the complete answer and explanation in the attached files.
The Nucleus,
It stores the DNA and controls the cell
The waves of the water washed it away.
Skeletal muscles
Structure; they are long cylindrical fiber, striated, many peripherally located nuclei.
Functions; Voluntary movement, produces heat, protects organs.
Examples; the biceps, slow twitch fibers, fast glycolytic fibers.
Cardiac muscles
Structure; they are short, branched, striated, single central nucleus
Functions; Contracts to pump blood, they are found in the heart
Examples; Heart muscles
Smooth muscles
Structure; They are short, spindle shaped, no evident of striation, single nucleus in each fiber
Function; Involuntary movement, moves food, involuntary control of respiration, moves secretions, regulates the flow of blood in arteries by contraction.
Example; Muscles found in the walls of hollow organs like the intestines, stomach and the blood vessels.
Yes, there are more then one eukaryotic cell.