What Do People Put In Time Capsules
Newspaper clippings about what's going on in the world right now.
Artwork (favorite pieces or stuff you've all made).
Magazine clippings of current fashion, favorite actors, and anything else.
Old and current family photos.
Answer: Coleridge's "Work Without Hope" is an example of a Shakespearean sonnet.
The weary blues is about power and pain of black art.The poem describes a black blues singer playing in a bar in Harlem late into the night.It talks about how society and racist and how In other words, it honors the beauty of black art while also acknowledging the weight of the pain that led to its creation.This shows how power is used positively we can also say how oppression on the black race results on the negative impact of the poem.
Talk about which side is stronger by using the theme power!!!
The poem thus doesn't follow a set form—like the sonnet. So its not a love poet.Instead, it uses its formal elements to help it imitate a blues song. It has no set meter or rhyme scheme—though many of its lines, including lines 1 and 2 form rhyming couplets which enables the speaker to express his feelings and emotions thoroughly. in free verse with an irregular rhyme scheme, mimicking the natural patterns of speech and music. Plus their is a good use of repetition emphasizing how oppression has effected identity and created fear in their heart.Through the the use of speech identity is shown we can link this to the power and conflict cluster to the poem ChECKING OUT ME HISTORY.
I would say Paradox.
a paradox is a statement that appears illogical or self- contradictory but, upon investigation, might actually be true
Research can be tricky because you need to plan. You must know what your topic is and what your stance is on that topic. You can then create a chart that has your thesis statement in one box, and your topics in three different boxes thereby as you research, you can put the information you find in those boxes. For example: Let's say you are researching the effects of smoking. Your thesis statement would say something like: Smoking is harmful for your health because it can stunt your growth, cause cancer, and cost several hundred dollars a year.
Then as you research, you would note supporting details (facts) for how is 1. stunts your growth, 2. causes cancer, and 3. costs money.
So....you should keep notes about your topics for your body paragraphs.