The theme of the poem is:
B. Words of love are worthy of speaking anytime.
"In every deed shall mingle, love," says the speaker at the end of the poem. Love can intrude, can disrupt anything at anytime, because it is love. Even in one's sleep, even if one's dreaming, love is worth listening to. The speaker may be tired, sleepy, but he craves his muse's love, and so his words shall carry his feelings: "The lover's voice tonight shall flow."
the section in the paragraph that illustrates Mrs. Dalloway´s feelings of emptness caused by her social identity is:
She would have been, in the first place, dark like Lady Bexborough, with a skin of crumpled leather and beautiful eyes. She would have been, like Lady Bexborough, slow and stately; rather large; interested in politics like a man; with a country house; very dignified, very sincere