sorry man dont, oh wait this a 2018 post
Charlie trudged through the mud. His feet were as heavy as cinderblocks as he tried to pull them up through the mud. He began to panic as his feet stuck in the mud and slowly started to sink. A boom as loud as thunder sounded from behind him. Whipping his head around, he saw a figure as dark as the night around him. The fog seemed to blanket the cloak the figure was wearing. Charlie tried to scream but his mouth was as dry as chalk. The last thing Charlie saw was the figure swoop down on him before he woke up in a cold sweat. It was simply a bad dream!
Fellow works.
Knowledgeable also works.
Valued is possible.
Cheerful: sad or depressed
sat: stand
up: down
straight: curved
improper: proper or acceptable
worse: better
best of luck!
Weak argument.
The argument given gives a lot of personal opinions and does not cite evidence. They also fail to use relevant information, and false information. I.E "In fact, every kid likes to play video games." This has no roots in facts and no cited evidence given to prove other wise. There's also a bit of passive voice misuse here, "<u>Some</u> college kids can win lots of different games." You shouldn't use words like some/many/may in an argument. It makes your point look weak, you need to be strong and affirmative.