O’Brien has been at war for only four days when the platoon is fired on by a village near the South China Sea. Cross orders an air strike and the platoon watches the village burn. Dave Jensen pokes fun at a dead old man whose right arm has been blown off and encourages O’Brien to do the same, to “show a little respect for your elders.” O’Brien refuses, and Kiowa tells him he’s done the right thing. He asks if the old man was O’Brien’s first experience with a dead body, and O’Brien says no, thinking of his first date, Linda.
D) a story of how the lives of two sisters are changed forever by a little girl
Answer: I would say "The Declaration of Independence was signed on July 4th, 1776."
A concrete noun is used through your five senses. They can be:
-Common nouns
-Proper nouns
-countable and uncountable nouns
-collective nouns
I hope this helps.
OK! 54+1
Hey Zach, I am sorry for your loss. You have my deepest condolences. My thoughts are with you at this time of loss. Im sure they were a great pet and we will deeply miss them and love them forever. I am wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time. Losing such an important part of the family is never easy. I’m thinking about you. Don’t hesitate to call me if you’d like to talk.