Less nutritious food, dramatic change in temperatures around the world, the rising of sea levels and extreme weather events
The Torah describes the basic laws of Judaism; the Talmud is a collection of opinions on legal issues
The Torah refers to teachings, instructions. It is the law. The Torah is the five books of Moses. It is also used to refer to the Hebrew bible. The Torah contains the laws of judaism.
The talmud is made up of rabbinic teachings. These teachings are used to interpret and also used in the expansion if the Torah. The talmud is made up of mishnah (oral law) and the gemara
Oil still plays an important role in the global economy despite the continued efforts to reduce its use and to find alternative green energy sources. In the early days, finding oil during a drill was considered somewhat of a nuisance as the intended treasures were normally water or salt. It wasn't until 1847 that the first commercial oil well was drilled in the Absheron Peninsula, Azerbaijan.1 The U.S. petroleum industry was born 12 years later, in 1859, with intentional drilling near Titusville, Pennsylvania. (Drilling in the United States began in the early 1800s, but they were drilling for brine so any oil discovery was accidental.)2