Answer: begin developing a historical argument to answer the historical question
When looking for evidence its best to read over the paragraph or text. Look for the facts or a certain facts or thinga about the subject you are on. The way u can make a prediction is because the way the text has wrote or summarized about the text.(i assume)
It was very, very important for women to start working during the war because so many people were deployed that the demand for jobs in factories and other places was far higher than there were people available. Also, there were not enough women in the workforce at that time to fill those open positions. They filled many jobs in making supplies for war (that would normally be filled by men). Initially it was difficult to recruit the women (who were originally fitting the bill of "housewives"), and this is where those "We Can Do It" signs with "Rosie the Riveter" came about.
A, people have right to life, liberty, and property