It means greedy,possessive,envious or sometimes green-eyed
You can use the following three ideas:
1) Strong ideas are disruptive in unique ways/unexpected ways.
Writing process:
2) Successful strong ideas attract the attention of the reader without confusing them, and leads them to re-evaluate a certain aspect of the reality evoked by it.
3) Strong ideas have to be handled carefully to prevent confusion or lack of specificity.
1) Strong ideas are meant to shake the reader. They ought to either challenge previous ideas about a certain topic or propose a whole new different way to assess said topic or phenomenon. The quality of strenght is attributed to an idea when it has the potential to renovate a traditional concept or assessment criterion.
2) If the idea is truly strong, then the reader is probably going to be bewildered at first. It has to be clear enough to prevent undesired effects such as distraction and confusion, and achieve engagement. If the reader is "hooked up" satisfacotorily, then a reflective process is going to begin so that they can connect the new, strong idea to the reality they know.
3) A strong idea needs to be explained, either by implicatures or expressively, through sufficient means to be clear to the reader. If the idea is meant to provoke an ambiguous effect, then the attention to detail in this aspect needs to be stronger.
<span>Niagara Falls is a beautiful and unique place that appeals to a variety of visitors, from honeymooners to people who perform stunts.</span>
I- a cockroach has 13 hearts I think? :3
Or it's prob a card game i don't know
"It would have been impossible, completely and entirely, for any woman to have written the plays of Shakespeare in the age of Shakespeare.
The above quote can be used as the statement about which Woolf makes her point in "A Room of One’s Own." This is because Woolf's main argument is that women are placed unequally in relation to men because society so desires and not because women have no capacity. To exemplify this, she shows that it would be impossible for a woman in Shakespeare's day to have implored plays of literary works like him, because society would ignore her. To make the example even more palatable, she shows that if Shakespeare had a brother as or more talented than he, she would never be considered an important writer, but would be ignored, discouraged and even silenced.