A since the sense of fulfilment will bring about more encouragement to continue studies
As of July 2017, the Ark Encounter company has not released how it is doing financially. Mr Ham who owns and operates the company has declined to provide attendance records or how much has been made. There are numerous news articles stating declining visitors and that the Ark Encounter is failing.
Oculomotor- The nerve that controls most of the eye movements
Stab herself with a knife(Kill herself)
Well, you're going to talk about the conflicts in The Lottery and The Lady or the Tiger... So... in The Lottery, the main conflict was that the lady (whatever her name was) was chosen to be stoned in the lottery. It wasn't really resolved in anyway, except that she got.. stoned. I haven't read The Lady or the Tiger, but you would do the same thing for that. Then you would state the theme, or moral, or main point, of each story. And then you would compare how the resolutions for both conflicts demonstrate the stories' themes.. Does it make a bit more sense?