The first dropping of the Atomic bomb on Hiroshima killed 90,000 to 146,000 people. Half of the people died on the first day of the Hiroshima bomb and over the next 2 to 4 months the other half of the people died.
The second dropping of the bomb on Nagasaki killed 39,000 to 80,000 people. The deaths happened the same way it did for Hiroshima.
<span>Municipal government is the answer.
What is the difference between a council-manager system of administration and a mayor-council system? The fundamental difference is in who has the legal authority to hire and fire city employees. In a council-manager system, the manager has that power.
Hi!the women's movement board goals included equal access to education and employment, equality within marriage, and a married woman's right to her own property and wages, custody over her children and control over her own body.It became successful because Record numbers of women ran for and started winning political office.
If the question is true or false, the answer is true.