I really liked the ending of the novel 'The Outsiders' by S.E Hinton because firstly i thought it was a very unique way how the author finished the novel the way she started. "When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on mind: Paul Newman and a ride home...". The second reason why i liked the ending is that Ponyboy didn't get put into a home like he thought he would. Instead, the judge was surprisingly kind and only asked what kind of grades he made at school and if he liked school as well. "All the judge did was ask me if I liked living with Darry, if i liked school, what kind of grades I made, and stuff like that.
Free Verse: This type of poem doesn’t follow a fixed
pattern of rhyme or line length.
Blank Verse: This type of poem is written in iambic pentameter and its lines don't rhyme.
Closed Form: This type of poem has specific patterns, lengths, or rhyme schemes.
B.) by providing multiple examples of the violence and degradation that the enslaved suffer with no recourse
By noticing how the character interacts with other characters. By noticing details about what the character says, does, and thinks. By noticing how the other characters perceive the character. By noticing the context, and use it to make inferences about the character.