1. Both Whigs and Democrats joined the party.
2.The party opposed the extension of slavery into the territories.
5. Martin Van Buren ran as the party’s nominee for president.
The Hittites had a significant advantage over other ancient civilization in their advanced metallurgy. They developed iron well before contemporary rivals, using it in their weapons, tools, and armor.
After federal troops left South Carolina, old Confederate military units were reformed under different names.
Following the withdrawal of federal troops from the southern states of the United States after the end of Reconstruction in 1877, the Democrats regained power in the south. Thus, violations of the rights of African Americans were reinstated, such as the literacy tests that prohibited them from voting, or the Jim Crow Laws that took away a large number of civil and political rights.
Furthermore, in the southern states, anti-African-American armed movements began to take shape, made up of former Confederate soldiers who, through violence, sought to subdue these people, with the aim of expelling them from these territories. These groups carried out their activities clandestinely, to avoid the control of the federal government, but they had the full support of the democratic state governments. Thus, groups such as the Klu Klux Klan or the Red Shirts began to carry out paramilitary and terrorist activities against African-Americans and, to a lesser extent, Republican voters.
The communist manifesto is a book about the communism and socialism, written in the late 1890's by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engals.
The book extensively describe the exploitation done by the capitalist market system and introduces a new political and economic system that diminish the class differences between the rich and the poor.
Also, the book provides an analytical critique of the capitalism and the harsh way it treats the economically under privileged people, while predicting its downfall.
i believe the answer is C