The Wife of Bath begins her description of her two “bad” husbands. Her fourth husband, whom she married when still young, was a reveler, and he had a “paramour,” or mistress (454). Remembering her wild youth, she becomes wistful as she describes the dancing and singing in which she and her fourth husband used to indulge. Her nostalgia reminds her of how old she has become, but she says that she pays her loss of beauty no mind. She will try to be merry, for, though she has lost her “flour,” she will try to sell the “bran” that remains. Realizing that she has digressed, she returns to the story of her fourth husband. She confesses that she was his purgatory on Earth, always trying to make him jealous. He died while she was on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
They're excited
The people of Hannibal respond to the arrival of the steam by hurrying to great the boat. They were excited as it arrived and was fascinated when they saw how the boat operates
The 1st one is brave/courage (what you put)
The 2nd one is high value
The third one is the last one “no thing that I treasure more”
The fourth one is courage
The fifth one is I think the last one because she treasured it more from the qualities that are mother showed.
Speare has been more feted in print than ever, in the mainstream as well as in the overflowing and sometimes murky underground river of academic publications. "Enough!" we may well cry (as we sometimes cry at the unending proliferation of productions of the plays). Not, however, in the case of Sir Frank Kermode, whose profoundly conceived and elegantly executed Shakespeare's Language (2000) was a complex but luminous contribution to the understanding of the greatest single body of dramatic work in any language, one of the most refreshing in recent times; any new commentary from him on the subject is eagerly awaited. Despite a brief flirtation with structuralism, he is no grand theorist. Instead, he is that rather old-fashioned phenomenon: a