In 1960's Baltimore, a teen named Tracy Turnblad auditions for a musical show, The Corny Collins Show. She makes it onto the show and soon becomes popular for her unique character. Being the 1960's racial segregation is very common, and part of the show as well. Tracy, with the help of friends, is able to desegregate the show.
I believe that the answer is A. because all throughout the passage you were told where everyone was from originally and where they live now.
Yes, his sermon was highly effective because contemporary readers can feel the fear and sting of Edwards’ threats
bro, I keep seeing questions like this
if you want someone to answer your question don't just have one picture, which just tells us to answer using a text you have not shown, and expect that someone knows the text you are reading.
Also what assignment is that? You placed a sites name but that is not really gonna help us find the text to answer your question.