Notes taking is noting down the information.
Notes taking may be defined as the jotting down the notes or information that one points down in a sheet for future reference. It is a critical skill and every person should have this skill. It is recording information from various sources.
The important skills to know before taking notes are :
1. We should not write full sentences, only write the phrases or note the key words.
2. We should write down the information in our own words and shortly.
3. We can also make some shortcuts or make some special codes for some specific words or sentences which will make our note making easier.
4. We can use different colors for highlighting important points or sections.
5. We can structure our notes or information under headings or sub headings or numbered lists.
A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement
B. Benjamin bubbled with excitment.
When the verb in a sentence is active langiage, the subject is doing the acting. For example, "Kevin hit the ball"Kevin is the subject who hit the ball.
you have no evidence or references for me to use.
Either do not reply or talk about other things and offer 'many thanks in regards to your generous offer'