A model organism is a species that has been widely studied to understand a particular biological phenomena, normally used because they are easy to breed and maintain in a laboratory setting and has certain experimental advantage.
The criteria that Thomas hunt Morgan was looking for include; the model organism should be small in size, easy to keep in the laboratory and also able to produce large number of off springs in a short time.
Force is a measure of power. Velocity, on the other hand, is a quality an object has. Apply force to an object, and its velocity changes.
Answer:Succession as progressive change in an ecological community. Primary vs. secondary succession. The idea of a climax community.
Yes it can. It can cause an overdose and can cause a seziure/stroke and you can die. Half the bottle and pretty much any mg per tablet honestly. Hope this helps :)
Answer and Explanation:
The cell division cycle is responsible for increasing and maintaining cell number and size. This cycle is an essential feature of living organisms. There are four phases of cell division mitotic phase (M phase), growth phase 1 (G1), growth phase 2 (G2), and synthesis phase (S). One phase of the cell cycle ends, and the other starts; this is named a phase transition—a unidirectional alteration in the cell cycle phases. During G1, G2, and S phase cell grows and during the M phase cell divides. There are two models of cell reproduction as the clock model and the domino model. The domino model implies that cell division phases must occur in a distinct order and at a definite time. The domino model recommends that the cell cycle events are independent, while the clock model shows that the effectiveness of mitosis entrance was not persuaded by other actions.