It will spontaneously decay into other stable elements
In the Sympathetic Nervous System PNS subdivision in which nerve injury would be the most dangerous for life.
In the Sympathetic Nervous System PNS subdivision in which nerve injury would be the most dangerous for life.
It is important for survival to fight or respond to flight because it controls the physiological reaction to a risk or danger and this flight and flight response is activated by sympathetic nervous system. This system is a part of automatic nervous system and operated by various interconnected neuron
The bonds between the phosphates in ATP are very high energy, meaning that the bonds really really want to break because phosphates don't like being so close to each other. When the bonds do break, a ton of energy is released (think of it like a celebration that they aren't so close anymore).
Answer: As in other higher vertebrates, the frog body may be divided into a head, a short neck, and a trunk (see Vertebrates). The flat head contains the brain, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. A short, almost rigid neck permits only limited head movement. The stubby trunk forms walls for a single body cavity, the coelom.